We are all Losers
We are all Losers By Milton J. Bennett The losers in the current US presidential travesty are not just those of us who voted against a bigoted ignoramus, nor are…
Giugno 5, 2017 -
Darwin on Trump: Size Does Matter
Darwin on Trump: Size Does Matter By Milton J. Bennett Size matters, but it doesn’t make you superior. I’m talking about finch beaks, of course. In the last political campaign…
Febbraio 26, 2017 -
President Trump and the Insufficiency of Love
President Trump and the Insufficiency of Love By Milton J. Bennett Since the electoral decision of 11/9 (the world will never be the same), John Lennon’s “Love is All you Need”…
Febbraio 23, 2017 -
President Trump and the Irony of American Exceptionalism
President Trump and the Irony of American Exceptionalism By Milton J Bennett As a US American who spends a lot of time in Europe, I have apparently picked up a…
Novembre 10, 2016 -
A Clash of Paradigms
A Clash of Paradigms By Milton J. Bennett The extremist Islamic State is positioning itself against the rest of the world. Since much of that world is Islamic, Huntington’s “clash of…
Febbraio 10, 2015 -
Milton Bennett on “Sustainable Citizenship”
Milton Bennett on “Sustainable Citizenship” Monte Carasso, Ticino, Switzerland February 5, 2015 Milton Bennett presented on the topic “Intercultural Competence for Forming Sustainable Citizenship” at a conference sponsored by CFC/FSEA Association…Febbraio 5, 2015 -
Tolerance Is Not Good Enough
Tolerance Is Not Good Enough by Milton J. Bennett Recent events in France show the limitations of tolerance, and we interculturalists could be suggesting some more respectful and ethical responses to…
Gennaio 19, 2015 -
Culture is not like Personality
Culture is not like Personality by Milton J. Bennett To paraphrase H.L.Menken, For every question there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong. The question “what is culture?” is…
Ottobre 7, 2013 -
The Mismeasure of Intercultural Competence
The Mismeasure of Intercultural Competence By Milton J. Bennett In his excellent book, The Mismeasure of Man, biologist and science historian Stephen Jay Gould points out the fallacy of assuming that…
Settembre 23, 2013 -
Culture is not like an iceberg
Culture is not like an iceberg By Milton J. Bennett With all due respect to theoreticians who continue to use the iceberg metaphor to describe culture, I think it’s time to…
Maggio 6, 2013