Intercultural learning of hosting families

Ida Castiglioni, Ph.D.

Castiglioni, Ida (2012). Intercultural learning of hosting families. Intercultura 65, 2012.

Research sponsored by Fondazione Intercultura and reported at the Second Forum of Intercultural Learning and Exchange, 26-29 October 2011, Colle di Val d’Elsa, Italia >> read more

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Interculturalizing the European Study Abroad Experience

Ida Castiglioni, Ph.D.

Milton J. Benentt, Ph.D.

Presentation at the Forum on Education Abroad European Conference, Dublin, December 7, 2012 >> read more

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Examples of Intellectual Development Cues

Based on Models of Intellectual and Ethical Development
Willaim G. Perry, Jr. and Belenky, et al. (Women’s Ways of Knowing)

and Rating cues developed by L. Lee Knefelkamp , William S. Moore, Kathe Taylor, Peggy Fitch

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Defining, Measuring, and Facilitating Intercultural Learning: A Conceptual Introduction to the IJIE Special Issue

State of the Art Research on Intercultural Learning in Study Abroad and Best Practice for Intercultural Learning in International Educational Exchange

Milton J. Bennett, Ph.D.

If you do not already think so, the articles in this volume will convince you that study abroad has changed. At the university level, it has transcended its history as a “grand tour” for the leisure class and the more plebian “junior year abroad.” Now university study abroad encompasses massive mobility of students among European Union universities and to and from the United States and other countries through a myriad of school-based and consortia-based programs. At the secondary (high school) level, the traditional AFS year in the US or Europe has been expanded by AFS and other organizations to include shorter programs to and from a broader range of countries. Added to the change in format and destination are educational foci that go well beyond traditional study to include internships, service-learning, and other learning opportunities. >> read more

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Long-Term Effects of International Educational Youth Exchange

Papers from Moving Beyond Mobility Conference, Berlin 2008

David Bachner, Scholar-in-Residence, School of International Service American University

Ulrich Zeutsche, Transfer Beratung & Training


This paper session will report on a research study of the long-term effects of a high school home- stay experience for German and American students who participated in the Youth For Understanding (YFU) program in the 1950s, 60s, 70s, and 80s. >> read more